What will you observe in a great dog trainer? A great dog trainer must have the ability to judge how each and every dog is to be handled in a class. He must have gained his expertise and experience by taking dogs of all breeds and under numerous conditions through the preliminaries Puppy trainers near me. He will only gain this knowledge by working with various breeds and under numerous conditions. He will have to consider the individual characteristics and temperament of each dog and vary the technique to meet the occasion at hand.
A trainer can learn what he can expect from a dog and how he will react. Once he a has accomplished this he has an advantage. He can anticipate the dogs next move and will then have to decide if he will force the issue at hand or if he will back down on his demands. A good trainer will have mastered the art in knowing when to be firm, when to rebuke, when to encourage and when to be gentle. Having these natural abilities and the essential qualities to correspond his body motions with the moves the dog makes will result in great timing. This is why some trainers will succeed and others will fail because he knows what he is doing. His actions will be decisive and definite. The dog will then know that the trainer knows and he will have gained the dogs respect. The proof of the trainers ability will come through when he has gained the admiration and respect of the dog through a positive and happy response from him.
A great trainer will have the ability to have the dog feel responsible for the corrections that he must give him in his training. The dog cannot be bullied. He can be forced to be obedient but you can not force him to like obedience. In the process of training the trainer will recognize that there is a step by step progression and if the previous lessons have been comprehended the following lessons will be easy. He might have to back track occasionally to refresh the dog on a previous lesson to build his confidence and bring him up to speed but with his understanding and experience he will not be nagging or intimidating the dog. He realizes the disastrous affect this can have on the dog and will do anything to avoid it. The trainer will not let his exasperation show if he has a dog that is slow in following his training but will be firm and kind and will make obedience fun for the dog.
You will find that a good trainer does not always make a good training class instructor. Some trainers might give one on one instructions out of their homes in a private setting with great success but when working with a large group they do not have the leadership or ability to handle the pressure of multiple issues that a large group of dogs presents.
No only does a great training instructor have the ability to work with dogs but he must have the ability to gain the respect of his pupils. He must be diplomatic and patient and must also be a likable person. He must be able to explain and teach what he is able to do. He will not hold up the class for extended periods of time while he discusses an individual dogs issues with the owner nor will he hold up the class for a few dogs that can not keep up with the rest of the class. He will work with those dogs and their owners on a more personal basis in a before or after class session.