Training a dog is not difficult, but it is important to train minimally in this regard. For this reason I am going to give you 5 tips so that you can be successful in training your dog Puppy training Houston.
1.-Dedicate a little time each day
To achieve good training, the secret, as in everything, is to repeat. That is why it is important that you reserve a little time each day to train your dog.
2.- Do short sessions
The important thing about carrying out short sessions in training is that we do not exhaust the dog too much, leaving him wanting more for the next session. It is essential to have high motivation on the part of the dog for training sessions.
- Always end the session with a success
This tip has to do with the previous one. It is essential that you end the training session with a success on the part of the dog. If the dog fails when doing the last exercise, his motivation drops and the sessions will not be as effective. It doesn’t matter if you ask it for a simple command to end the session, but always get that command right.
4.- Set a start and end mark for the session
Just as you know when you start and finish work, it is important that your dog knows it too. To do this, simply enter a start command like “let’s get to work” and an end command like “work is over.” This way when your dog hears the login command, it will go into “work mode” and the session will be more effective.
5.-Write down the progress
It is essential to write down the number of sessions, repetitions, successes and errors to see how the work is going. This way you can measure progress with numbers, and it will give you a real idea of ??how well your dog is learning.